Welcome to the eCom Independent Podcast

with Ivana Petrovic & Raoul van Heerden

Listen to a new eCom Independent podcast episode every Friday

If you’re running an e-commerce business, building your digital agency  or just getting started, this podcast is for you.

We know, we know.. there’s a ton of information out there. We feel you. In an e-commerce world that’s spinning and changing like crazy, gurus popping up like mushrooms and the social media rabbit hole that’s full of (mis)information, it’s hard to keep your input clean and relevant.

And that’s what our journey is all about. In +/- 30 to 60 minute lunch break sized episodes we take you with us on our journey of growth in an e-commerce world. We go through growing your business, your brand, your team, your network and – most importantly – YOU as an individual.

Our Episodes

Join Ivana Petrovic and Raoul van Heerden on their journey of growth in the e-commerce world.

Make sure to subscribe and don’t hold back on sharing your thoughts.