Email Sequences and How They Can Lift Your Revenue with 30% – with Nabeel Azeez

Nabeel Azeez is chatting with Ivana in this edition. He is a direct response copywriter and owner of copywriting agency Dropkick Copy in Dubai. Today they discuss email marketing and how to optimize them to work for you. 

We hear about the most important email sequences to implement, what type of campaigns work in ecommerce, and why you should be sending more emails than you are.

Topics covered in this episode:

–      What email sequences you need in ecommerce.

–      The importance of email frequency and mitigating negative response.

–      Why you should be testing your opt-in forms.

–      What should be included in your welcome sequence.

–      Establishing a customer relationship through your welcome sequence.

–      The 6 pre-purchase email flows and how they work.

–      The 6 post-purchase email flows and how they work.

–      How email campaigns can boost your revenue.

–      The kind of email campaigns in ecommerce.

–      How to track competitors email sequences and campaigns.

–      Creating original content over copying competitors’ campaigns.

–      How to test new flows and campaigns accurately.

–      Knowing when to use plain text vs. a more stylized layout.

–      How to approach a high unsubscribe rate.


Find out more about Dropkick Copy here:

Find Nabeel on Twitter: @NabeelAzeezDXB

Find Nabeel on Instagram: @NabeelAzeezDXB

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