Finding a Balance Between Family & Business

The Ecommerce Independent Podcast tackles the ecommerce world and helps you build your own business while sharing experiences and tips to help you tackle your fears. Hosts Ivana Petrovic and Raoul van Heerden are experienced ecommerce entrepreneurs that have built their agencies from the ground up. They’re here to tell you how they did it and how you can join them.

In today's episode, Ivana and Raoul discuss promoting a healthy work/life balance. It can be frightening to launch your own business if you have a family to support. That’s perfectly normal. The key is to overcome your fears and believe in yourself. 

Together Ivana and Raoul tackle overcoming your self doubts, taking control of your circumstances and give some advice on coping with lockdown with a full house.

Topics covered in this episode:

– How Ivana started her business at the same time as starting a family.

– Raoul’s fear of starting his own business with a family depending on him.

– Overcoming sticking points.

– Taking inspiration from mentors.

– How Raoul reclaimed 50 hours a week when he started his own business.

– Learning to work smarter, not harder.

– Being mindful of your core values and how they align with how you are living and working.

– Overcoming irrationality and imposter syndrome.

– Why you need to stop indulging in excuses.

– How both Raoul and Ivana overcame their confirmation biases.

– The need to change yourself before you can change your situation.

– Evaluating why you are staying stuck.

– Projecting who you want to be for your family.

– How COVID-19 has impacted their homelives.

– Learning to take control of your actions instead of functioning on autopilot.

– Investing in yourself.

– Showing your children that work is a positive experience.

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