Getting Back on Track

In todays episode, Ivana and Raoul discuss the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 on your ecommerce business. The world is a stressful, unpredictable place right now. How do you prevent burnout and reclaim your focus?

Ivana and Raoul get into refocusing on your goals, how different sectors of the economy have been impacted by lockdown, and how you can increase your wealth by diversifying your revenue streams.

Topics covered in this episode:

– What Ivana has been up to since she last joined us.

– The importance of scheduling your vacation time as well as your work life.

– Preventing burnout by unplugging.

– Taking the time to reassess your values and goals.

– Learning to prioritize your time.

– How to increase and maintain your focus.

– Why you shouldn’t let meeting monetary goals hold you back.

– The impact of lockdown on the economy and how it differs between industries.

– Why ecommerce is booming.

– What ecommerce will look like next year.

– Diversifying your income.

– Why you should ask yourself what your time is worth.

– Keeping motivation when you are meeting your goals.

– Building brand legacy to survive the pandemic and beyond.

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