Overcoming the Shiny Object Syndrome

The Ecommerce Independent Podcast tackles the ecommerce world and helps you build your own business while sharing experiences and tips to help you tackle your fears. Hosts Ivana Petrovic and Raoul van Heerden are experienced ecommerce entrepreneurs that have built their agencies from the ground up. They’re here to tell you how they did it and how you can join them.

Ivana and Raoul discuss shiny object syndrome in this episode. We have all sat down to start something, only to end up doing something completely different. Whether it’s watching television or going outside on a sunny day to avoid work, everyone procrastinates.

Together Ivana and Raoul tackle different approaches to motivation, breaking tasks down and their personal experiences with focusing problems.

Topics covered in this episode:

– Raoul’s struggle with leaving things unfinished and the frustration it caused him.

– How his ADHD diagnosis allowed him to create a methodology that worked for him.

– The self-fulfilling prophecy of the fear of failure.

– Analyzing tasks before production.

– Creating focused breakdowns of tasks to make them more approachable.

– Executing over planning.

– Gamifying your process to make productivity fun.

– Learning time blocking to prioritize what really matters.

– Valuing your time: Outsourcing what you need to.

– Ivana’s strategy for staying focused.

– Ninety-day planning and mapping milestones.

– Allowing for flexibility.

– Creating a trigger list

– Why you need to write down your systems and processes.

– Learning to filter what is irrelevant and focus on the important things.

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