Picking the right Ecommerce Platform

The Ecommerce Independent Podcast tackles the ecommerce world and helps you build your own business while sharing experiences and tips to help you tackle your fears. Hosts Ivana Petrovic and Raoul van Heerden are experienced ecommerce entrepreneurs that have built their agencies from the ground up. They’re here to tell you how they did it and how you can join them.

In today's episode, Ivana and Raoul discuss finding the perfect platform for your ecommerce storefront. There are multiple options available but how do you choose what is right for you? Do you go with a platform like Shopify or do you create your own?

Together Ivana and Raoul tackle the pros and cons of Shopify and other platforms, their own experiences in creating digital storefronts and how to know when to switch platforms.

Topics covered in this episode:

– How Ivanna came to use Shopify, and how she was selling online before that platform became so popular.

– The options available for someone creating a digital storefront.

– The hidden costs of implementation that you might not think about initially.

– The importance of reliability, responsivity and service within your chosen platform.

– Should you hire a programmer for your business?

– The downside of Shopify and other similar ecommerce services.

– Understanding plug-ins: How they could pose potential security risks to your store.

– What to look for when choosing plug-ins to minimize risk to your site.

– The importance of testing your site and its plug-ins for errors before making the changes public.

– Knowing when it is time to change platforms.

– The ‘tunnel effect’: What it means on an online store.

– Custom solutions for your online store.

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