Three Must-Haves for Your Store in 2021

What are the must-have trends in your store for 2021? That’s what our hosts will answers for us today. There is a special focus on custom packaging, omni-channel shopping, and product videos.

We’ll also hear about sustainable improvements for your brand, creating personal experiences for your customers, and combining your online and offline experiences. Follow the advice found in this episode to make the most of the new year!

Topics covered in this episode:

–      The top trends for 2021.

–      Understanding how adding new channels to your marketing will impact your revenue.

–      Creating a story with the customer unboxing experience.

–      Making sure your packaging is in line with your product.

–      The possibility of creating a disconnect between packaging and products.

–      How product videos improve the experience for your customers.

–      Lowering buyer’s remorse by showing the product.

–      Using product videos to set customer expectations.

–      Controlling the narrative of your brand by producing video content.

–      How product videos can free up your customer service department.

–      The SEO benefits of using product videos.

–      What is omni-channel shopping?

–      Choosing the right fulfillment centres and shipping options for your business.

–      Unifying the online and offline experience for your customer.

–      The importance of transparent and efficient communication.

–      Providing the best options for your customer.

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